Energy Efficient Appliances

The majority of household appliances appear very similar on the face of it but they can vary dramatically when it comes to energy efficiency and as a result operating expenditure.

In this article you will discover everything you need to know about electricity efficient appliances. Learn more about what energy efficient household appliances are, how they work, the advantages of choosing them and whether they are right for you and your home. For questions concerning energy-efficient appliances and other home appliances, contact Speedy Chino Appliance Repair.

What is an Energy Efficient Household Appliance?

Basically energy efficiency is making use of decreased energy to give the same results. For example, replacing a filament bulb with a more efficient LED bulb that produces the same illumination or insulating your roof so you need less heating.

Energy efficiency is linked to but different from energy conservation which requires using less energy by adjusting behaviours or habits. Eg opting to cycle when you might normally have used the car or only using the washing machine when you have a full load.

Electricity efficient household appliances are created to offer equivalent outcomes using less energy allowing you to save energy. Lower electricity usage result in lower electricity bills and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Many household appliances for sale in the United States are ENERGY STAR certified, meaning they offer better energy efficiency compared to standard models, normally ranging from 10-50%. Most appliances will also have EnergyGuide labels which demonstrate how economical they are in comparison to other comparable devices.

These ratings can be a handy first point of call when determining if a device is energy conserving or not.

Types of Electricity Efficient Appliances

Some different types of electricity saving appliances include:

  • Fridges
  • Air Conditioners
  • Boilers
  • Washers
  • Dishwashers

How Electricity Efficient Appliances work

Low energy devices work by applying the most up to date technology to minimize energy consumption. That might be more advanced insulation in fridges, dirt sensors in dishwashers, or moisture sensors in clothes dryers to minimize drying time.

Benefits of Energy Efficient Devices

Switching to electricity efficient devices makes sense for a number of reasons:

  1. Saving energy. The more energy-efficient a device is the less power it requires to undertake its task. Meaning you can experience a sizable reduction in energy consumption without having to change your habits.
  2. Saving money. Although more efficient appliances might have a higher up-front cost they will usually save you money over time by cutting your energy bills.
  3. Environmental benefits. Most of the power we use in our daily lives comes from non-renewable resources and results in greenhouse gas emissions. Lessening our abuse of natural resources also conserves them for future use in a more sustainable way.
  4. Resource Security. With energy costs consistently going up and natural resources always being used up choosing less energy intensive appliances makes it easier to meet demand.

Do Electricity Efficient Household Appliances Really Reduce Bills?

Energy conserving appliances save you money by reducing your energy usage and by association your energy bills.

How much you save and whether or not you enjoy a noticeable fall in your household bills will depend on the relative efficiency of the old and future appliances, the degree of use and the lifespan of the product.

The older the appliance you are replacing is the more you are likely to save. Likewise the more energy the device needs to run the greater the potential savings. I.e replacing an old, wasteful, too big air conditioning unit with a new ENERGY STAR rated one that is the perfect size for your space, will make a notable impact whereas uprating your fridge with one that is merely 10% more efficient is likely to have a markedly less noticeable impact.

Research suggests that if your fridge was built last century you could save up to $270 in five years, but if it was produced in the last 10 years the savings will be much less.

You also have to make certain you use your appliances energy saving settings to get the greatest savings. For example, setting your dryer for a fixed time negates its ability to sense when your clothes are nearly dry.

When contrasting new devices factoring in both the upfront price and the ongoing costs will make sure you make the prime decision for you.

How Electricity Saving Household Appliances Help the Environment

Reducing energy consumption isn’t only about saving you money. Cutting energy consumption also has a sustainability impact.

Human actions have big impacts on the environment, one of the most prevalent of which is the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the consumption of non-renewable resources that are likely to be linked to air pollution and climate change.

As the general population become more aware of the environmental cost of our daily decisions the market is reacting with less wasteful solutions to our needs. Whether that is reusable straws or in this case low energy washing machines.

What are ENERGY STAR rating Appliances?

The ENERGY STAR symbol was started in 1992 to provide an readily detectable way for people to choose more eco-friendly household appliances.

Certified appliances must meet both power performance and consumer needs in regards to fulfillment and features.

The requirements for the ENERGY STAR certification vary between different appliances. In order to be awarded the rating, appliances are required to be a minimum percentage more efficient than the standard product in their category.

However, not all ENERGY STAR rated products are the same in terms of efficiency. For example a fridge that is 10% more efficient and one that uses 18% less energy might get the certification. Therefore although making sure you see the star is a great first step, it is still worth looking into the actual energy savings before picking the best one for you.

Is an Energy Conserving Appliance the Best Choice for Your Home?

Energy efficient appliances really do make a difference on an individual and national level, saving you money over time and more resources to go around.

When you are shopping for a new appliance check the EnergyGuide label. This indicates the cost of electricity an appliance needs and makes it easier to compare makes and models.

You might also want to make a note of how much your energy costs you so you can make more personalized comparisons.

Size makes a difference when it comes to appliances. For example:

  • Paying for one full size fridge is more efficient than running two small ones. Unless you only use the extra one at certain times of the year
  • When purchasing a new washing machine consider the size of the drum as running a lower capacity machine two times uses more energy than running a higher capacity machine once.
  • Even the best water heater will never save you money if it’s four times the capacity you need for your home.

Appliances get less efficient as they deteriorate so replace items that are past their best first and if you can, focus on the items that use the most energy.

Additional Types of Appliances